Mar 06, 2025
MAT 1060 - MODELING THE REAL WORLDWITH MATHEMATICS credits: 3.0 This course will provide students with a solid foundation in using formulas, tables, and graphs to model and investigate real-world situations. Particular emphasis will be on applications to business, personal finance, and the health and social sciences. Will also provide preparation for future courses in statistics such as Statistical Methods. Specific topics will include linear function models (including linear inequalities and systems of two linear equations in two variables), absolute value function models (including absolute value inequalities), power function models, exponential function models, and quadratic function models. Objectives: A) Carry out basic arithmetic computations and algebraic manipulations by hand; B) Solve various equations (linear, absolute value, power, and exponential), inequalities (linear and absolute value), and systems of two linear equations in two variables; C) Solve a multivariable formula for a specific variable; D) Translate between representations of a function via formulas, tables, and graphs; E) Correctly work with units for the various quantities involved in an application (dimensional analysis); F) Model real-life business and finance situations by functions or equations; G) Model real-life health and social science situations by functions or equations; H) Answer real-life business and finance questions by carrying out a computation; I) Answer real-life health and social science questions by carrying out a computation; J) Answer real-life business and finance questions by solving an equation; K) Answer real-life health and social science questions by solving an equation. Method of Instruction: Lecture, discussion, and small group work. Method of Evaluation: In-Class Evaluations, Quizzes, Midterm Exams, Final Exams, 60%; Out-of-Class Assignments 40%. Meets *MQR Distribution Requirements.
Prerequisite(s): ALEKS mathematics placement exam score of at least 30 (or) MAT 1000 - ESSENTIAL MATH SKILLS I
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