Mar 29, 2025  
The Elmira College Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 Academic Year 
The Elmira College Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 Academic Year

Academic Requirements for Aid Eligibility

It is important that financial aid recipients read and understand the following information. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Financial Aid. In addition, please refer to the Index in The Elmira College Catalog for more information on the College’s Academic Regulations.

For State financial aid purposes, full-time is defined as being enrolled for a minimum of 12 credits Fall Term and 12 credits Winter Term (or a combination of 12 credits Winter Term and Spring Term if a written Plan of Study is filed with the Office of the Registrar prior to the start of the Winter Term). Federal Pell and TEACH Grant recipients must register for a minimum of 12 credits Fall Term, 12 credits Winter Term, and 6 credits Spring Term. Students who fail to enroll for the minimum credit hours or the number of credits specified by the governing agency could face possible reduction in, or loss of, their Federal and State Grants. In addition, a drop or withdrawal from a course may result in a reduction or loss of award(s).

Students must meet grade point average requirements outlined in the Financial Aid Award messages on MyEC or contract for continuance of aid. The academic records of financial aid recipients will be reviewed at the end of the Fall Term for continuance of State Grants, at the end of each term for Federal TEACH or NYS Aid for Part Time Study Grants and at the end of the academic year for continuance of all financial aid.

As outlined below, the minimum standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress, currently approved by the N.Y. State Commissioner of Education requires that a student achieve a specified cumulative grade point average (qualitative measure) and accrue a specified number of credits (credits accrued or earned versus credits attempted, quantitative measure or pace). In addition, the Higher Education Act requires that at the end of the student’s second academic year or its equivalent, the student must have a GPA of at least a 2.0 or have academic standing consistent with the College’s graduation requirements. The maximum time frame to maintain financial aid eligibility cannot exceed 150% of published length of the program. For example, a student enrolled in an undergraduate program normally consisting of 120 credit hours must complete their program after attempting a maximum of 180 credit hours, measured by credits attempted and transfer credits (accepted and applied to the degree).

Program Pursuit - New York state-sponsored grant recipients must also receive a passing or failing grade (A - F letter grade) in a certain percentage of courses each term, depending on the number of state award payments the student has received.

For the first and second payments, 50 percent of the minimum full-time requirement (i.e., 6 credit hours).
For the third and fourth payments, 75 percent of the minimum full-time requirement (i.e., 9 credit hours).
For five or more payments, 100 percent of the minimum full-time requirement (i.e., 12 credit hours).

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Applies to students first receiving aid in 2010-2011 and Thereafter.

Before Being Certified For This TAP Payment First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth
A Student Must Have Accrued At Least This Many Credits 0 6 15 27 39 51 66 81 96 111
With At Least This Grade Point Average 0 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

Regulations provide for a one-time waiver of the financial aid standards in exceptional cases. Written documentation, addressed to the Director of Financial Aid, must demonstrate extenuating circumstances such as injury, illness or undue hardship, during the term that prevented the student from meeting the standards. There must also be a reasonable expectation that the student will meet future requirements. Third party documentation must support the waiver request. The Director of Financial Aid is the designated official to grant or deny the waiver request, based on submitted documentation and consultation with the Registrar and other College officials.

Financial Aid Important Addresses and Phone Numbers:

Office of Financial Aid
Elmira College
One Park Place
Elmira, New York 14901
(607) 735-1728

Vermont Student Assistance
Corp. (VSAC)
1 (800) 642-3177

Federal Student Aid Information Center
1 (800) 433-3243
General information, status of your FAFSA application or duplicate copy of FAFSA Submission Summary

New York State Higher Education
Services Corporation
99 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12255
1 (888) 697-4372
To apply or schedule an appointment visit: