Jan 05, 2025  
The Elmira College Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 Academic Year 
The Elmira College Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 Academic Year
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credits: 3.0
Crosslisted/Same As: ENG 2025  
ENG 2025 -FAR 2025. Primarily, is an introductory workshop in writing creative non-fiction. Will read current essays to identify non-fiction sub-genres: the profile, thematic lyric, screen writing, and travel writing. Students will workshop on own essays in these sub-genres, exploring the possibilities of convention and form. Will study the design and language of what we read so that we begin to identify writerly concerns and postures, to compare and contrast style and aesthetics, to develop awareness about voice and language, and to understand the essay as an art. Will read and discuss recent, published work in this field. Will examine both the writer’s craft and our reading experiences as we consider what is creative in the writing of these particular types of essays Objectives: To explore, develop and refine essays in this genre, focusing on organization, voice, description, and narrative. Method of Instruction: Discussion and workshop. Method of Evaluation: Assigned essays, attendance, and workshop participation.

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