Mar 06, 2025
ENV 2050 - ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY credits: 4.0 Crosslisted/Same As: GEO 2050 ENV-GEO 2050 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY. Covers the physical processes of Earth and how humans interact with them. We will spend much time in the field and using hands on examples explaining the processes that brought the Earth to its current state. The focus of the course will surround how geology interacts with Earth’s other spheres as well as humans use of the planet. We will cover many topics such as plate tectonics, the carbon cycle, mineralogy, the rock cycle, and geologic hazards. This course will take a holistic view of the Earth, its processes, and how humans impact these processes. Objectives: A) Use geologic principles to solve current and future environmental problems; B) Discuss stratigraphic succession; C) Explain Earth history; D) Analyze current methodologies for resource extraction; E) Investigate sustainable options for human habitation and use of Earth’s resources; F) Evaluate the effectiveness of current planning and engineering strategies for land use; G) Write a final paper on a environmental geologic topic of choice which demonstrates the integration of geologic concepts with other spheres on Earth; H) Defend plate tectonics as a fundamental controlling factor for modern events on Earth. Method of Instruction: A combination of lectures, small/large group discussions, lab activities will be used. Method of Evaluation: Laboratory, Exams, Participation, and Individual Project. The course has a total of 1000 points, and final grades will be determined based on the total number of points accumulated according to the distribution: Participation includes attendance, in-class discussion, and laboratory collaboration. Those students who are in class and engage with their classmates and the instructor with questions, class discussions, or group work will receive full credit for participation. Lab Fee: $125.00.
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