Jan 02, 2025
ENG 2021 - MAJOR ENGLISH AUTHORS II:NEOCLASSICAL AND ROMANTIC credits: 3.0 The course will provide a general background in British literature of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. The course will focus on the contrast between two ways of looking at the world: the Neoclassical perspective, with its preoccupation with order, balance, decorum, and reason and its emphasis on society; and the Romantic perspective, with its preoccupation with sensation, spontaneity, vitality and emotion, and its emphasis on the individual. Most of the attention will be paid to poetry, fiction, and criticism. Method of Instruction: Lecture and discussion of assigned readings. Method of Evaluation: Two essay exams (20% each), two critical essays (20% each four to five pages), and reading quizzes (20%). Meets *WEP Distribution Requirements.
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