Jan 05, 2025  
The Elmira College Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 Academic Year 
The Elmira College Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 Academic Year
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credits: 1.0
This is the laboratory component of the first of a two-term introductory chemistry course designed for the science major. The purpose of this course is to give students hands-on training on the concepts encountered in the basic chemical sciences. Students will learn basic laboratory techniques utilized in the chemical sciences. Objectives: A) Develop and demonstrate the principles of the inquiry, observation, data acquisition and interpretations, and deductive methodologies of the scientific method and reporting; B) Develop and demonstrate the ability to safely perform laboratory experiments resulting in the generation of scientific data; C) Demonstrate the professional use of the technical language encountered in the chemical sciences. Method of Instruction: Laboratory demonstration, lecture, and hands-on experimentation. Method of Evaluation: Grading for this course will be based on laboratory reports (60%), quizzes (30%) and the demonstration of safe and proper laboratory practices (10%). Lab Fee: $125.00.

Prerequisite(s): CHE 1505L - GENERAL CHEMISTRY I LAB  
Co-Requisite(s): MUST BE TAKEN WITH CHE 1515  LECTURE.

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