Jan 29, 2025  
The Elmira College Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 Academic Year 
The Elmira College Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 Academic Year
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credits: 3.0
Crosslisted/Same As: AMS 3420
Crosslisted/Same As (2): ARH 2420  
Crosslisted/Same As (3): ARH 3420  

AMS 3420-ARH 2420  and ARH 3420 . Is a social and cultural history of the American landscape as it has been depicted in painting, photography, architecture and design. Topics will include the Hudson River School of painting, the role of landscape design in reflecting and shaping social behavior (e.g., Central Park), the role of artistic representations of the landscape in promoting tourism and development in the National Parks, and the relationship between landscape art and environmental politics. Artists to be considered include Thomas Cole, Frederic Church, Andrew Jackson Downing, Frederick Law Olmsted, Ansel Adams, Linda Conner, Nancy Holt, Mark Klett and Richard Misrach. Throughout the course we will focus on the way in which artistic representations of America’s natural and designed landscape have both shaped and been shaped by ideas about national identity and destiny, gender, ethnicity and class. Objectives: A) Identify significant artists, works and aesthetic approaches in the history of American landscape art; B) Describe the political, cultural, social and historical contexts that have shaped the representation of landscape in American art; C) Evaluate and compare individual works of landscape art as expressions of the various ideas and values associated with the contexts in b, above; D) Demonstrate effective spoken and written communication about the above topics; E) Develop a social and cultural history of a particular landscape or landscape artist. Method of Instruction: Lecture and discussion. Method of Evaluation: Quizzes and short in-class writing; two exams on course material; two essays on course material; presentation; research paper on topic related to course. Meets *WEP Distribution Requirement.

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