Nov 14, 2024
CHE 2010L - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I LAB credits: 1.0 This laboratory will develop basic manipulative skills, including introduction to separation, purification techniques and organic syntheses. You will also learn the principles of laboratory safety including how to handle, use and dispose of hazardous chemicals along with safe laboratory etiquette. You will also learn how to use modern instrumentation (IR, NMR and GC-MS). Objectives: A) Construct, demonstrate and evaluate chemical syntheses and determine alternate methods of synthesis; B) Operate chemical instrumentation and analyze their results from the instrumentation; C) Search the scientific literature and summarize their results in written form; D) Demonstrate and use proper safety procedures in a chemical laboratory. Method of Instruction: The course will be primarily taught through pre-lab lectures and discussion. The course will follow the required laboratory textbook and will be partially supplemented by handouts and web references. Students will be allowed to ask questions during the laboratory portion. Students will be responsible for maintaining a proper laboratory manual and writing lab reports (short and formal). Students will be able to have one-on-one review/study sessions with the instructor during office hours by appointment. Method of Evaluation: Lab Notebooks (200 pts), Short Reports (450 pts), Formal Lab Reports (250 pts), Prelab Abstracts (200 pts), and Lab Exam (200 pts). LAB FEE: $75.00.
Prerequisite(s): CHE 1505L - GENERAL CHEMISTRY I LAB and CHE 2011 - PROBLM SOLVING ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I is not a requirement in order to take CHE 2010 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I . Co-Requisite(s): MUST BE TAKEN WITH A CHE 2010 LECTURE.
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