Oct 23, 2024  
Archived-Elmira College Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024 Academic Year 
Archived-Elmira College Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024 Academic Year [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Undergraduate Baccalaureate Degree

The requirements for baccalaureate degrees granted by Elmira College have been established by members of the faculty so that each graduate receives a broad general education, explores different fields of knowledge, examines one or more of those fields intensively, and applies the knowledge acquired in the classroom to realistic and appropriate work experiences.

To receive a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree from Elmira College, a student must complete a minimum of 120 credits, with a cumulative grade-point average (G.P.A.) of at least 2.000. The last 30 of these credits must be earned at Elmira College. For the B.A. at least 90 credit hours must be in the liberal arts and sciences; for the B.S. at least 60 credit hours must be in the liberal arts and sciences. Each student must also earn a minimum grade-point average of 2.000 within the major.

Moreover, students must earn a stipulated number of credits-with a passing grade-in the completion of General Degree Requirements and a Major.

Students also have the option of completing a Minor, in which case a 2.000 G.P.A. within the minor must be completed. Basic computing skills are expected upon entrance to the College.

General Degree Requirements

Grounded in the liberal arts and sciences, Elmira College provides a collaborative and supportive environment that enables students to become active learners, effective leaders, responsible community members, and globally engaged citizens. This section of the Catalog lists the general education requirements we use to ensure that our students have a solid foundation as broadly educated and engaged persons.

Upon completion of Elmira College’s general education program, students will be able to:

I. Develop and employ skills in communicating.

II. Learn and apply strategies for critical thinking.

III. Develop and apply skills in quantitative reasoning.

IV. Develop and employ skills in Information Literacy and Information Technology.

V. Achieve intellectual breadth in the liberal arts and sciences.

VI. Engage in a variety of focused and sustained modes of inquiry and research to support local, national, and global engagement.

VII. Develop effective communication and leadership skills by engaging in such activities as group participation in collaborative coursework, athletics, clubs, and organizations, committees, honor societies, teams, classes, student media, or student government.

VIII. Contribute to the life of the local and campus communities through community service, residential living, and meaningful College ceremonies.

IX. Acquire practical experience through an internship or a career related project or activity.

All students must complete all of the general education listed here, unless otherwise noted:

  1. Academic Writing Program 3 credits
    All students will take WRT 1050 - COLLEGE WRITING: . Students may be eligible to transfer equivalent course credits or use AP or IB classes to fulfill this requirement, and should contact the Office of the Registrar Office for more information. In order to satisfy the General Education requirement, all students will be required to earn no lower than a C- in WRT 1050 .
  2. Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning 3-4 credits
    The Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning requirement is designed to ensure students have the skills necessary to apply quantitative reasoning in their lives after college. This requirement will expose students to solving quantitative problems. These courses can be in any discipline, so students will have the opportunity to apply these strategies to specific questions in specific disciplines.
  3. First-Year Seminar 3 credits
    First-Year Seminar FYS 1010 ) is the foundational course in the liberal arts and sciences for entering freshmen. Offered in the Fall Term, it serves as a gateway to the College’s General Education program and introduces students to the wider world of learning beyond the professional training of their declared majors. One of the main goals of the program is to develop intellectual skills that will be helpful to students throughout their college career and beyond. In particular, the seminar focuses on sharpening students’ skills in critical thinking and reading. Students have the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of exciting seminar topics, ranging from the natural sciences and the humanities, to the fine arts and the social sciences. In each case, the professor draws on her or his special expertise and interests to provide a unique learning experience.
  4. The Liberal Arts Pillars and World Engagement Requirements: 27.0-36.0 credits
    The Pillars and World Engagement requirements provide students with the intellectual breadth in the liberal arts and sciences necessary to be a broadly educated and globally aware citizen. Classes that fulfill these requirements are listed in MyEC and are maintained as a list by the Office of the Registrar.
    The Pillars
    Students will complete 27 credits of coursework among the Liberal Arts fields listed below. Courses taken as part of a major or concentration will qualify as credit towards this requirement. No more than 3 credit hours from the same field code may be applied unless that field code is for a language other than English.
    1. Fine Arts 6 credits
      (ARH, ART, DAN, FAR, MUS, and THE field codes)
           The Fine Arts are the expression of our human experience through visual art, writing, language, motion, and music. Coursework from this pillar will develop a student’s skills in the creation of the fine and performing arts, present historical and cultural contexts for appreciation of the arts, and encourage students to embrace new means of expression.
    2. Humanities and Languages 9 credits
      (AMS, ASL, and all languages, ENG, LAL, HIS, HUM, and PHR field codes)
          The Humanities focus on the interpretation of the human experience with a strong emphasis on analytical, critical, and reflective approaches. Courses from this pillar contribute to a student’s understanding of the development, expression, and diversity of the human community by examining the development of a wide variety of ideas and forms of expression using literary, historical, and philosophical texts, and various artistic media.
    3. Social Sciences 6 credits
      (ANT, ARC, CRJ, ECO, GEG, PSY, PSC, SOC, SSC, SST, and WMS field codes)
          The social sciences study human behavior in the context of culture and society. Courses from this pillar develop a student’s ability to use quantitative and qualitative tools to analyze material artifacts, institutions and processes, motivations, and behavior of people in past and contemporary societies.
    4. Mathematics and Natural Sciences 6 credits
      (AST, BIO, CHE, CSC, ENV, GEO, MAT, NSC, and PHY field codes)
          Mathematics and the natural sciences focus on using empirical and quantitative methods and the development of those methods by way of formal logic and quantitative reasoning. Courses from this pillar enable students to better employ the scientific method, use mathematical tools, and apply knowledge of nature to understand the universe.
      World Engagement 9 credits
          The World Engagement component of the General Education curriculum will foster the ability to view the world from multiple perspectives and to gain an appreciation of the global intercon-nectedness of issues, trends, and systems. Student will complete 3 credits in:
      1. Global Perspectives (GLP)
      2. Non-Western Perspectives (NWP)
      3. Western Perspectives (WEP)
  5. Physical Education and Wellness 0-2 credits
    Developing an understanding of the importance of physical health has always been an important component of an Elmira College education. Physical health and well-being impacts all aspects of our lives. Therefore, all full-time students must complete two approved Physical Education and Wellness courses.
    Alternatively, participation in a Varsity sport, Junior Varsity sport, club sport or the ROTC program counts as a substitute for a Physical Education and Wellness activity or course, provided that the participation comprises at least eighteen contests, contacts, or practices. Records are maintained by the Director of Athletics and the Coordinator of the Physical Education Program. Students wishing to request a waiver in recognition of campus activities such as Orchesis, Precision Line, Danceline, or activities taken off campus, should see the Coordinator of the Physical Education Program.
  6. Field Experience-Practicum* 0-12 credits
    Elmira College requires its students to participate in Field Experience and Practicum programs enabling them to apply concepts learned in the classroom, explore possible career options, work alongside professionals in an industry matching the students’ career aspirations, develop an understanding of the day-to-day operations of an organization, and gain professional networking connections. The Field Experience program is designed to provide students with real- world experience and to better prepare them for entrance into graduate schools and career fields of their choice. Satisfactory completion of the program is based on the students’ ability to demonstrate that they have accomplished the goals set by the program as assessed by themselves, their faculty sponsors, and their off-campus site supervisors. The program has two parts:
    1. Community Engagement (FEX 2515 )
      Community Engagement provides learning opportunities, instills civic responsibility, immerses students in the local area, and helps strengthen the community of Elmira. All full-time students at Elmira College must complete 60 hours of unpaid Community Engagement in the local area. Students may work at one or several community organizations, and participate in community service events sponsored by the College.  Some classes, clubs, or teams may have Community Engagement hours as part of their requirements. Community Engagement opportunities are posted in the Office of Career Services. Students are strongly encouraged to complete this requirement within their first two years of enrolling at Elmira College.
      Students in the local area may request a waiver of the Community Engagement requirement if they enroll at the College one year or more after graduation from high school, having already volunteered sixty or more hours with a non-profit organization during that time. Military service may also be used to waive the requirement via submission of DD214 or evidence of current military status. Students who are coming to Elmira College having already earned a Bachelor’s degree are exempt from the Community Engagement requirement.
      The Office of Career Services oversees this program with guidelines and procedures that students must follow as they complete their Community Engagement. These guidelines are available in the Career Services office and on their webpage. Requests for waivers of the guidelines or the requirement should be addressed to the Office of Career Services, and decisions may be appealed to the Educational Standards Committee.
    2. The Career-Related Internship 3-12 credits
      The Career-Related Internship provides an opportunity for students to explore work experience related to the major or to potential career goals. Students may apply knowledge gained in the classroom to the specific settings of the work environment. Career-Related Internships may be completed any time after the sophomore year. International students in a major that does not require an internship as part of the major may choose to complete an internship but are not required to do so. There are multiple ways to complete Career-Related Internship requirements. International students in a major that does not require an internship as part of the major may choose to complete an internship but are not required to do so.
      1. Career Related Internship FEX 4510 ]: This is a credit-bearing course, graded on a pass/fail basis, using a more generic field code than any of the approved internship courses that use field codes from the academic disciplines.
      2. Pre-Career Internships [FEX 4525 ]: Internships registered under this course code may not be taken for academic credit. Students will work for a minimum of 120 hours in a pre-career or major related environment. This work may be paid or unpaid, but must be career or major-related. Students may work with the Office of Career Services or on their own to find an appropriate career-related internship. The Office of Career Services administers this requirement, and publishes guidelines and procedures for students. Students should follow these guidelines to successfully complete the requirement. This internship may or may not be taken for credit.
      3. Major-Specific Internship: Students must complete the major specific internship if it is required by their major. Students who are completing a major that offers the internship for credit may complete their internship according to the guidelines of the major. The number of hours required for the internship may vary from major to major.
      4. Thesis or Portfolio [FEX 4555 ]: Students who plan to go on to graduate school or into a research field may work with a faculty member to write an original thesis, or produce an original body of work appropriate for their field of study. This option will require students to register for 6 credit hours. The 6 credit hours can be taken in one term or split amongst sequential terms (Fall, Winter, Spring). This thesis or work should result in a significant and appropriate contribution of new ideas or material to the field.  Faculty supervisors may voluntarily elect to work with students to guide the research or creative process.  Upon completion, students will do an oral presentation of their work to the campus community.  A volunteer committee of three faculty members, chosen by the student and approved by the faculty supervisor, will orally examine the student and assign a final grade for the thesis. 
      5. Pre-Graduate Internship [FEX 4550 ]: A Pre-Graduate Internship may be pursued by students who are planning to attend graduate school and who meet the high standards of graduate study. The Pre-Graduate School Internship fulfills the Career-Related Internship requirement. Projects for the Pre-Graduate School Internship may include, but are not limited to, the following:
        1. Original research in the laboratory sciences
        2. Building an art portfolio
        3. Statistical hypothesis testing and/or model building
        4. Interpretation and analysis of the activities of social agencies or business
        5. Graduate-level scholarship on a historical, literary or philosophical subject


Major Requirements

Students must also complete an approved major, available in each of the following. After each field is the Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) code number.


HEGIS Codes Degree
Accounting 0502 B.S.
Accounting 150-Hour Licensure Qualification 0502 B.S.
Actuarial and Financial Science 1799 B.S.
Adolescence Education: Biology 0401.01 B.A. - B.S.
Adolescence Education: Chemistry 1905.01 B.A.
Adolescence Education: English 1501.01 B.A. - B.S.
Adolescence Education: Earth and Environmental Science (7-12) 1917.01 B.S.
Adolescence Education: Mathematics 1701.01 B.A. - B.S.
Adolescence Education: Social Studies 2201.01 B.A. - B.S.
Art 1002 B.A. - B.S.
Biochemistry 4902 B.A. - B.S.
Biology 0401 B.A. - B.S.
Business 5004 A.S.
Business Administration 0506 B.S.
Chemistry 1905 B.A. - B.S.
Childhood Education 0802 B.A. - B.S.
Childhood Special Education 0808 B.A. - B.S.
Clinical Laboratory Science 1223 B.S.
Criminal Justice 2105 B.S.
Educational Studies 0801 B.A. - B.S.
English Literature 1502 B.A.
Environmental Science 0420.00 B.A. - B.S.
Finance 0504.00 B.S.
General Studies 5699 A.A.
General Studies 4901 B.S.
History 2205 B.A. - B.S.
Human Services 5501 A.S.
Human Services 2101 B.S.
Individualized Studies 4901 B.A. - B.S.
Legal Studies 1499.00 B.A. - B.S.
Mathematics 1701 B.A. - B.S.
Media Studies, Communications, & Design 0699.00 B.A. - B.S.
Nursing 1203 B.S.
Political Science 2207 B.A. - B.S.
Psychology 2001 B.A. - B.S.
Social Studies 2201 B.A. - B.S.
Sociology and Anthropology 2299 B.A. - B.S.
Speech and Hearing 1220 B.S.
Speech and Language Disabilities 0815 B.A. - B.S.
Theatre 1007 B.A.
Visual Arts 0831 B.A.

To receive the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree, the student must earn 90 of the required 120 credits in the liberal arts and sciences; for the Bachelor of Science (B.S.), 60 of the required credits must be earned in such courses. In some majors, the student may choose the degree; in others, it is determined by the nature of the requirements. All majors require at least 12 credits of upper-level courses (those numbered 3000 and above), and at least one course in which writing appropriate to the disciple is stressed (designated as a “WRT” course).

The specific requirements for each of the majors are listed in the section titled “Majors and Courses of Instruction.” Students will be encouraged to complete their general major requirements and prerequisites for upper-level courses during their first and second years of enrollment. Completing more than one major is permitted.

If a program or major is discontinued, Elmira College will make every effort to allow students to complete the program or major in a reasonable length of time following the date of discontinuance.

See the section “Majors and Courses of Instruction,” beginning on Undergraduate Majors and Minors List , for a description of major requirements and courses.