Jun 02, 2024  
The Elmira College Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024 Academic Year - Volume I 
The Elmira College Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024 Academic Year - Volume I
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credits: 3.0
Will address the management of innovation, sustainable technology, and the importance of technology-based innovation for the growth of the global products and services industries. Will integrate three major themes: 1) leading-edge concepts in innovation, 2) the role of technology in creating global competitive advance in both product-based and services-based industries, and 3) the responsibility of businesses related to sustainability. The importance of digital technology as an enabler of innovative services is covered throughout the course. Objectives: A) Analyze the concepts and models associated with the management and sustainability of technological innovation within the context of modern organizations; B) Define the different forms of innovation, their implementation, and the role of social context and environments; C) Articulate key environmental factors and situations conducive to creativity and innovation; D) Appraise the dynamic nature of technology and innovative environments with a focus on future trends and sustainability on a local and global scale; E) Propose solutions to strategic management problems using technological innovation; F) Develop written communication skills by writing about and reflecting key concepts covered in course readings. Method of Instruction: Readings from textbook and supplemental materials as assigned; Assignments as outlined in the syllabus; In-class work; Case Study Analysis of Technological Innovation in Business; and Final Project: Paper and Presentation. Method of Evaluation: Final Project: Oral Presentation (15%) of final grade; Final Project Paper (20%) of the final grade; Exams will be (20%) of the final grade. Will be a total of two exams given throughout the semester. Will not be cumulative but rather progress exams after specific material has been covered; Writing assignments and Reaction Papers (35%) of the final grade; In-class Case Analysis, Participation, and Discussion (10%) of the final grade. Meets *WRT Distribution Requirement.

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